Saturday, June 1, 2013

Updates -- Testimonial Banquet and other surprises

Hi, dear folks

Have been behind in everything!  A few followers have asked about new postings.  Will catch up to myself eventually.

Not used to self-promotion (well... not much....  ;-)   )

I'm not used to being on the receiving end of these things.   Just last year I was the MC for this banquet honouring William Solomon of Hoosli.

I should be in relatively good shape on the 20th - after recuperating from a trip to Australia!   Will keep you posted about that soon.  

A heads-up -- have finally begun serious preparation on my Ukrainian Christmas book of my many articles over the decades.  Will be launched in the fall of  2014 (she said optimistically).  Very much to learn about the business and publishing angles of this.  Then there's the fundraising.   

thanks to all for your interest, and will be in better touch.