Saturday, April 7, 2012


Goose pysanky (single and double yolk) from my collection

Hand-carved and inlaid Easter basket by Mykola Hrepiniak of Richka, Carpathian Mountains, Hutsul Region, Ukraine

I have been researching, writing, and speaking about Ukrainian traditions for a few decades now.  The subject fascinates me.  The origins of Ukrainian rituals and traditions start in deep prehistory (Paleolithic and Neolithic), and have blended with the new faith of Christianity from 988.  This blend is called dvoyeviria/two faiths, or dualism.  It just is.  Here and here are some of my articles on Easter traditions, published in The Ukrainian Weekly over the years.  

There are many more articles that I've written on Velykden'/Easter for The Ukrainian Weekly, but some are in Highbeam or Scribd.  If you Google my name and the subject, they're there. 

You can also check the archive of the Weekly:
The Ukrainian Weekly archive (1933-2010) is open to the public. The current year’s issues, however, are reserved for online subscribers. We invite you to subscribe and have access to the latest Ukrainian news.

                                                  Chicken egg pysanky from my collection

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